the "real" story
his names
his words
If Marian were a
All Marianettes know that Marian Gold is just Marian's stage name and that his real name is Hartwig Schierbaum. But have you ever thought of what Marian might be called under different circumstances? Here are just a few ideas (with the help of the Name Generator at
Remember, it's all for fun, 'cause we love Marian, we do! :)
If Marian were British, he'd be called Damian Walpole
If Marian were a fluffy kitten, he'd be called Sprinkles Perrywinkle
If Marian were a dolphin-loving hippie, he'd be called Aquamarine Holder
If Marian were a pub, he'd be called The Firkin and Winding Road
If Marian were a retarded Anime fan, he'd be called Magical Pretty Girl Angel Goku -San
If Marian were a rich white Republican, he'd be called Lionel "Mr. T-Bonds" Rogers
If Marian were an ethnic stud, he'd be called Mario Apasionado
If Marian were a bacterium, he'd be called Ampullariella Finegoldia
If Marian were a farm animal, he'd be called Tunkermaniacmooier
If Marian were a Disney freak, he'd be called Marlin
If Marian were an amazing freak, he'd be called Mike The Boot Polish Addict
If Marian were a Hillbilly, he'd be called Joe Harris Chuckles Randomly
If Marian were a sadistic bitch, he'd be called Jotham Destroyer of Evil
If Marian were a Satan worshipper, he'd be called Azrial The Hatefilled
If Marian had a nickname, it would be Poptart
If Marian were a plate of leftovers, he'd be called Festering Rodent Casserole from last Wednesday
If Marian were a Manic Street Preachers' song, he'd be called
Natwest-Barclays-Midlands-Lloyds Die
If Marian had a completely made-up name, it would be Rearans Holleman
If Marian were a Scottish dockyard worker, he'd be called Steamin Hodgy Macdougal
If Marian were from the good old Wild West, he'd be called Clarence Bob
If Marian hung out with us in our gang, he'd be called Muscle-man "You Got Served" Ice-Cold
If Marian were a white Gangsta' Rapper, he'd be called Rhymin' Dog Dog
If Marian wanted an untraceable alias, it would be Brian Johnson
If Marian were a Bondgirl, he'd be called Misty "Improbably Bulimic" McSlut
If Marian were a midget pirate, he'd be called Col the Purple Parrot Man
If Marian needed to make friends and impress people, he'd be called Blair Gustovsin
If Marian were in a singles' club, he'd be called Sexy Hockey-playing Jack!
If Marian were an evil lord of destruction, he'd be called Cardinal Gorax the Apocalyptic
If Marian were a rock star, he'd be called Grand Master Engo
If Marian were a computer game, he'd be called American McGee's Blood
If Marian were a Klingon, he'd be called Kemarrin Godar
If Marian were kids' cereal, he'd be called Crunchy Alligator Os
If Marian abused vowels, he'd be called Aeruios
If Marian were an invisible friend, he'd be called Tyrant Courageous
If Marian were a Native American, he'd be called Married To Pina Coladas
If Marian were a revolutionary group, he'd be called The Vengeful Brotherhood
If Marian were a Canadian hockey player, he'd be called Adrien Cholmondeley
If Marian had a random crazy shit name, it would be Harry Wang
This is a call to the Marianette society! If you have any names you can generate for Marian in any circumstance, please send it to us and leave your mark here!
Here endeth this Marianette lesson. Now go and get out your copies of 'United' and sing 'Danger In Your Paradise' 10 times to brush up!